Organization & Management Development Services
Maintain momentum with measurable results.
Organization Development
Organization Development is a planned process rooted in sound organizational and adult behavioral principles and practices.
OD solutions convert theory into real world practical applications focusing on achieving desired results. The intent to achieve these results orients the goals, plans, activities, and actions implemented throughout the organization.
They align the mission and annual Organization Goals to the everyday activities as well as linking inter-departmental awareness and support.

Planning is the heartbeat of performance
Organizational Goals Session
Strategic & Organizational Development Planning

Awareness is the key to positive change
Organizational Climate & Management Effectiveness Assessment
Hiring & Career Development Assessment Tool, Achiever Profile

Development goes beyond training to unlock untapped potential
Effective Management Development
Effective Supervisory Management
Effective Personal Leadership
Effective Sales Development
Effective Personal Productivity
Team Development

Results Management is the critical success factor
Performance Management System
Goal Setting & Management
Organizational Goals Session
Organizational clarity is one of the critical factors that contributes to the development of high-performance levels in the workplace.
In an intensive three-day retreat, we work with you and your executive group to achieve clarity and mutual understanding about your future direction. We help you address and resolve perhaps long dormant issues which inhibit top performance.
During this process, top level decision-makers structure a statement of your organization’s mission, clarify responsibilities, and functions of the executive and mid-management levels, and crystallize organizational goals in eight Key Result Areas.
Results of this effort include: specific, written goals, and plans to guide the performance and decisions of your people; an accurate and up-to-date organization structure based on the goals established at the session; improved quality of communication; total emotional commitment from the executive group; and the foundation for improved human performance throughout the organization.
After identifying your specific needs, we act as catalysts to begin the process of improving performance. This consulting role is highly interactive and is designed to involve all levels of management and the workforce.
Strategic & Organizational Development Planning
During times of change, you may need an expert from outside of your organization to provide support, guidance, and encouragement.

Once the organization’s leaders have mastered the setting and achieving of annual Organizational Goals, they are ready to look further out on the horizon and create a 5-year Strategic and Organizational Plan.
This process includes more strategic thinking about what they want to achieve and how to get there in our ever-changing environment. We include a companion component of Organization Development to ensure that the people side of the business is tended to as equally as the numbers. A proper long-term plan should be balanced to be effective and profitable.
Organizational Climate & Management Effectiveness Assessment
An organization’s “culture” or “climate” sets the tone for productivity and performance. It becomes a framework in which employees evaluate and set informal performance standards. It determines the type of individuals who will be attracted to and be successful within your organization.
We collect data to help you measure seven dimensions of organizational climate, sixteen management skills, eighteen conditions of organizational effectiveness, and three types of functional/dysfunctional management styles. The results, presented in graphic, numeric and narrative form, provide you with the information necessary to make decisions, prioritize needs and determine strategies for the greatest return on your investment in your human resources. You also receive feedback on restructuring, succession, and communication needs.
Hiring & Career Development Assessment Tool, Achiever Profile
Hiring the right people and retaining them once they are aboard, is a challenge in any economy. The hard costs and time invested in the hiring process adds up quickly. Turnover is costly!
Including the Achiever Profile assessment in your hiring process can help you reduce your costs and identify which candidates match the best to the job. The Achiever Profile Evaluation System results allow companies and individuals to maximize the fit between their employment demands and abilities, aptitudes, and personalities of employees or potential employees. When this fit is optimal, employees are more productive, and in turn, inefficiency and turnover are minimized.
The Achiever Profile identifies strengths and areas for development so that companies can make sound employment, retention, assignment, training, and promotion decisions. It features 16 job-related characteristics and includes two validity scales.
Based on the knowledge that strengths in some dimensions can compensate for challenges in others, they system assesses over 100 possible combinations or correlations of personality traits and mental aptitudes.
Hiring the right people is important, but managers should also develop the management and leadership skills of their present employees, information about individuals and their tendencies is extraordinarily valuable in these contexts as well. When employers use the system in conjunction with other coaching, hiring and interviewing tools, the Achiever Profile results can help ensure they are treating employees and applicants fairly and without regards to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Management & Leadership Development Programs
Effective Management Development
Every organization needs good management. There’s no way around it. What defines a good manager or leader?
Dynamic managers excel in people skills and the ability to create a motivational environment. They manage by clearly defined goals which they clearly communicate to their staff. They not only listen but hear the needs and ideas of employees and customers. Effective managers make good decisions at the right time and then take action.
Our Effective Development will help managers:
Effective Supervisory Management
Making the move from “Superworker” to Supervisor sounds good; increased prestige, a pay raise, and being part of the organization’s management teams are powerful motivators.
There are, however, several factors that may present challenges as these high performers move up the management ranks. The Supervisor is now managing the people that were peers – a very different relationship. Another factor is the high probability that the new Supervisor has had little or no supervisory or management training or education. It entails much more than just “giving orders” to people who were your “buddies” just yesterday. Effective Supervisory Management addresses theses and the myriad other issues that a front-line Supervisor faces, new or experienced. Taking risks, making decisions, planning, managing time, setting goals, coaching, and problem-solving are but a few of the topics covered in this multi-session, conference-based process.
Learn the art of delegation and how to exercise authority effectively
Get more done through time management
Handle and prevent problems with people
Communicate effectively
Motivate and develop employees in a positive manner

Effective Personal Leadership
When you get down to it, it all starts with Personal Responsibility and Personal Leadership
From entry level to senior executives, every person takes on importance as they represent your company to the outside world and as they interact within your organization. Their personal motivation and self-image are key to how they perform, respond and lead.
Personal Leadership is the self-confident ability to crystallize your thinking and establish an exact direction for your own life, to commit yourself to moving in that direction, and then to take determined action to acquire, accomplish, or become whatever you identify as the ultimate goal for your life. We believe people are your greatest resource; however, most people use only a small percentage of their true talents and abilities. So, it makes good business sense to invest in the growth and development of employees. It will increase your profitability and give you a greater return on your investment in your people. Unfortunately, without a proven process, people won’t automatically use more of their talents and abilities. Our process develops self-leaders who, in turn, empower the people around them to use their untapped talents and abilities. Simply stated – to do something better, you must do something different. People must change their behavior in order to increase their effectiveness and productivity. We help people set and achieve goals, become self-motivated, and have a more positive mental attitude.
Through these planning goals, participants are called upon to crystallize their thinking and schedule action steps to achieve their goals and visions for the future.

Performance Management System
"Inspect what you expect"
Once you've created Organizational, Departmental, and Staff level goals, you need a system to track and monitor the progress.
Installing a Performance Management System that links, aligns, and gives regular feedback to the individuals responsible for their achievement is required to keep everyone on track. We can help you design process to meet your organization’s needs and include the policies and processes you already have in place. Managing your organization’s performance from the highest level to the ground level is critical to consistently achieve your goals and thrive. Goals drive performance and feedback on goal progress reinforces the likelihood of accomplishment. People need feedback, both positive and corrective, to feel good about their day-to-day efforts. Connecting Job Descriptions to Goals to Performance Appraisals to Compensation is challenging, yet if the leaders don’t pay attention to what is expected, the rest of the staff will have trouble doing it, too. Uncomplicated feedback mechanisms make the job of Inspecting What You Expect more efficient, increase the rate of Goal Accomplishment, while motivating everyone to achieve desired results!
Goal Setting & Management
We are told to set goals, yet few of us have been taught how!
Learning to craft well-written goal statements is a must for individuals at all levels in your organization. Crystallizing your thinking, writing clear goal statements meeting 5 Criteria, and completing a 10 Step Goal Setting Plan sets you up for success, beginning with the Organization wide goals and cascading down through Divisions, Departments, and Staff level. Goal workshops can be designed to meet your specific needs and aid communication concerning where the organization wants to go that year and what the priorities are, reducing confusion and increasing focusing on what daily activities to be done.